Here you have a letter. One that should never be delivered, but with words that burn inside my chest. Maybe inside yours too. I must admit that I am still learning to describe my emotions, because before putting adjectives and substantives to my tears, my smiles, and my desires, they flowed through my entire body as the light that bathes me since the day I was born.
I know we dream of escaping, of running beyond the wall, and bringing together our alchemy to discover the secrets of eternal passion.
I can write all the verses this afternoon
How can we ignore that our encounter brought more life to the summer than the majestic sun? How can we ignore that the heavy weight of the gray clouds in the rainy autumn dissipated when our arms surrounded each other?
I can write all the verses this afternoon
Drowning have I been in my hallucinating visions, immersed in the depth of the brownish universe of your pupils, blinded by the clear revelations of our looks.
I can write all the verses this afternoon
Your eyes told me a secret some days ago. There were only five centimeters of thin air in between us. We could even breath each other, and the sparkling cocktail of desire made our atmosphere drunk.
I can write all the verses this afternoon
There alone, as the time paralyzed our doubts, your eyes shyly kissed the edge of my mouth. And me, weakened by the intoxicating heat of my lustful soul, extended the tip of my tongue to taste the elixir of your fleshy lips.
I can write all the verses this afternoon
Our fantasies, unsatisfied with having just a token of flavors, untamable after getting to know the pleasure of crossing the borders of curiosity, brought us through a whirl of naked caresses.
I can write all the verses this afternoon
Cansados de tentar el prohibido destino, las puntas de mis dedos navegaron sobre las olas de tu piel y mi voz, en un sonido silencioso que solo los dos pudimos escuchar, embriagada de éxtasis exclamó.
I can write all the verses for you.
Jena, Germany, Noviembre 2024