domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2020

Colombianos de Choluteca

Nunca he renunciado a mi nacionalidad ni a la confesión de que nací en Colombia, tampoco es que el orgullo patriota sea mi fortaleza, finalmente considero la nacionalidad una cuestión de papel. Sin embargo, más allá del sentimiento de pertenecer a un país específico, estaba el deseo de poder explorar una ciudad y sus historias como cualquier ciudadano, la aspiración de acceder gratis a sus museos sin tener que pagar bajo la clasificación de extranjero. Tenía el apetito por tomarme el derecho que como heredero del mundo merezco a entenderlo y acceder a su conocimiento; derecho que por lástima se encuentra monopolizado y privatizado. Por esa razón decidí hacerme oriundo de Choluteca, la ciudad más al sur de Honduras.

Visita a nuestro "pueblo natal de Choluteca", tres horas de viaje desde Tegucigalpa únicamente para comernos una sopa de mariscos y ver el paisaje de las fotos. No contábamos con que nuestra ciudad natal tuviera tan poca actividad. 

En Tegucigalpa, algunos amigos nos habían hablado de Choluteca como de una ciudad muy lejana, como en otro mundo, por supuesto, en la escala espacial hondureña, una ciudad a 133 km de la capital, es casi otro país. De allí, de Choluteca, poca gente se conoce en otros departamentos, aunque su acento se reconoce fácilmente por lo diferente. Otras personas nos decían que los habitantes del sur eran más blancos que en el interior del país y que, por lo tanto, nosotros como colombianos podíamos decir que éramos de Choluteca con el fin de obtener esas preciadas rebajas en los museos, -les pueden creer, simplemente “no hablen”- nos decían nuestros amigos capitalinos.

Los precios de los museos, casas culturales, y demás sitios históricos públicos en Honduras -al igual que en la mayoría de América Latina- discriminan el costo de la entrada por nacionalidades: pero no son equitativos (a diferencia de la Unión Europea, donde la clasificación generalmente es: estudiante, niño, tercera edad o adulto). Como colombiano, poseo una de las monedas más devaluadas de América, después de Venezuela. Que me consideren extranjero y me cobren más que a un hondureño, es aceptable, pero que me igualen en costo al nivel de un inglés, un suizo o un austriaco, no lo acepto ahora y no lo acepté mientras pude durante ese viaje a América Central en 2016. Varias veces lo expresé en cada lugar donde se me exigía pagar al nivel de cualquier extranjero proveniente de un país rico.

Por fortuna, en algunos lugares existían personas que, a pesar de tener un poco de poder, no perdieron la empatía que sus lazos sociales habían construido y poseían eso que llamaron los filósofos “consciencia de clase”.

En alguna ocasión, nos encontrábamos en la más sureña ciudad de los dominios mayas, la legendaria e imponente Copán Ruinas, ocupada por más de dos milenios y localizada al oriente de Honduras, hacia los límites con la región cultural colombo-istmeña. Este sitio arqueológico, patrimonio de la humanidad, cuenta con las ruinas de una antigua ciudad-estado que fue la cabecera administrativa y religiosa de una región donde pudieron haber habitado alrededor de 25000 personas y que hacía unos 15 siglos, dependía gubernamentalmente de Tikal, la ciudad más importante del mundo Maya. Todas estas historias intrigantes y asombrosas nos llevaron a mí y a Cristian a Copan.

Esperando el microbus para ir a Copán Ruinas en un ardiente día de verano Hondureño a 34°. 

Algunas de las ruinas de edificios, templos, campos de fútbol y viviendas de la ciudad maya. 

Nos movía un deseo por entender la cultura Maya de Copán a través de las ruinas y los museos, las estelas, las pirámides, los laberintos, los grabados, la historia de los reyes, el legendario dieciocho conejo, decimotercer gobernante de Copán y gran impulsor de la construcción de las esculturas que contaban la historia de su pueblo. En fin, todo este acervo de conocimiento nos llevó a Copán.  

Estela de Dieciocho conejos,  decimotercer gobernante de la ciudad-estado de Copán y promotor de la construcción de estelas. 

Ese domingo desayunamos alrededor de las 10 de la mañana en la plaza de mercado, lo típico: frijol parado, aunque esta vez con un poco de pasta, arroz, aguacate, una presa de pollo y fresco de un sabor que no recuerdo. El fresco, hecho de fruta de temporada, fue refrescante y propicio para alivianar el guayabo de una noche de tragos fuertes. Como en toda América Central, las tortillas que acompañaban el desayuno eran tantas, que no logré comerme sino como una, me abrumó tanto la cantidad que perdí el apetito, me sacié con los granos. Tenía la idea que los frijoles son el alimento milenario del que vivieron los indígenas americanos y que podría vivir de ellos sin comer nada más durante meses, por eso dejé más de medio desayuno. Cristian se comió mi sobrado.

Desayuno típico de un sábado en la Plaza de Mercado de Copán Ruinas.

Salimos de la plaza hacia el parque central donde se encontraba el edificio donde vendían los tiquetes para los diferentes paquetes de visitas a las ruinas arqueológicas. Como era de esperarse, el precio para los hondureños era muy cómodo. ¿y el de los extranjeros?, también, demasiado cómodo para los europeos, pero no para un colombiano. Sin embargo, Cristian había ideado un plan: hacernos pasar por hondureños. A mi eso siempre me pareció arriesgado y hasta humillante. Expresé mi inconformismo, aunque no propuse nada y seguía quejándome del precio, 30 dólares para visitar las ruinas y el museo de las estelas, estaban fuera de nuestro presupuesto. Acepté seguirle el juego a mi buen amigo, con la condición de que yo no iba a hablar, sólo a presionar con mi mirada. Cristian estaba determinado a interpretar su mejor papel como hondureño de Choluteca. Cuando llegó nuestro turno para hablar con la recepcionista, Cristian solicitó dos tiquetes para estudiantes hondureños, su acento me dio risa interna, sonaba tan artificial para mí que pude prever en que iba a terminar todo. La vendedora nos pidió mostrar un documento de identificación. “Se cayó esta vaina así de rápido”, pensé mientras veía que Cristian argumentaba en su pésimo acento de Choluteca que habíamos dejado los documentos de identidad en el hotel, ante lo que ella solo dijo – pueden ir a recogerlos y vuelven más tarde-.  

El plan se fue al piso, mostrar nuestros documentos no era una posibilidad, eso solo hubiera confirmado nuestra situación de extranjeros. Venía ahora la conmiseración, confesamos nuestra nacionalidad y expusimos de manera amistosa y jovial nuestros argumentos a favor de una rebaja debido a la crítica condición actual de Colombia y su crisis económica, nosotros éramos víctimas. Viajar a Honduras no nos hacía millonarios y si había implicado un gran esfuerzo para nosotros.

La señora, en compañía de uno de sus colegas nos reiteró amablemente que no podía ayudarnos, el precio eran 30 dólares para extranjeros y 5 para locales. Diferencia abismal y triste. Ante la realidad contundente del número, le comenté a Cristian ahí en frente de la recepción, que no había opciones, que debíamos conformarnos con ver las calles de Copan, las ruinas serían en otra ocasión. Si para cuando volvamos el otro año, como si uno fuera de vacaciones a Honduras cada seis meses. En esos momentos, el colega acompañante de nuestra interlocutora se retiró a cumplir otros deberes. La mujer, nos dijo en tono de secreto que él era su supervisor y que, si volvíamos en unos veinte minutos, ella nos vendería el tiquete a precio de estudiante hondureño, que no dijéramos nada.

La situación había cambiado en cuestión de dos segundos. Agradecimos y salimos del edificio para sentarnos en el parque central del frente en un lugar donde pudiéramos mantener contacto visual con nuestra nueva amiga. Mientras reflexionábamos acerca de nuestra suerte, ella nos llamó con una seña desde su puesto de trabajo. Nos acercamos al mostrador e iniciamos una conversación normal desde el principio, como si no nos conociéramos, en esta ocasión si éramos estudiantes hondureños. Nos vendió los tiquetes, hablamos poco, tratando de intercambiar sólo las palabras necesarias. Con los nervios al tope, por el miedo a que ella fuera descubierta y eso le implicara problemas, hicimos la compra con una sospechosa rapidez, no queríamos cometer errores que la indujeran a su arrepentimiento. Nos dijo que presentáramos el tiquete a la entrada de cada sección de las ruinas, que no habláramos nada, simplemente si nos preguntaban dijéramos que éramos de Choluteca, que habíamos dejado los documentos en el hotel.

Agradecimos y nos retiramos con una sonrisa de esas que dibuja la fortuna y el triunfo después de una aventura. Compramos un jugo de naranja en un puesto de la plaza y se lo llevamos unos minutos después. Era verano y el sol iluminaba desde el cenit calentando a 36 grados. Emprendimos nuestro camino hacia las ruinas con la sensación de triunfo sobre el monopolio del conocimiento y el capitalismo. Al fin de cuentas, el sistema no está hecho de bloques y edificios sino de personas, tan susceptibles de cambiar y tan sensibles por la necesidad del otro, tan hábiles de entender a través del diálogo lo que implican las decisiones y los actos individuales, y en consecuencia cambiar para inclinarse en favor de la justicia.

¿Un antiguo campo del juego de pelota o un centro de deliberación en las reuniones?

Muchos funcionarios, al fin y al cabo, son conscientes de en donde se está quedando el dinero que se recauda de los impuestos y más allá de la discusión de la corrupción, comprenden que la cultura no tiene precio, pertenece a todos los herederos del mundo nuevo, sin importar si tienen una caratula de colombiano o de hondureño, el mundo y su historia nos pertenece a todos por igual. Es por eso que en cualquier parte de Honduras, siempre seré un colombiano de Choluteca.


Mayo de 2016, Isla de Utila (Honduras)

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2020

El juego de la pelota: para la gloria

 La diversión tiene muchas facetas, razones y significados. Esta acción, que pasa desapercibida entre el existir de la mayoría de los animales se percibe fácilmente al menos en los mamíferos, no hace falta ver cachorros de gatos, perros u homo sapiens para darse cuenta de la importancia del juego: no solo en la infancia sino hasta la muerte. En antiguas civilizaciones como la Maya, existió uno de estos juegos que, a pesar de su vigencia e influencia actual, poseía un propósito totalmente diferente al de ahora, ¿o no tan diferente?

Campo del Juego de la pelota en las ruinas de la ciudad de Tikal (Guatemala)

El fútbol enloquece a medio mundo, pero poca importancia se le ha dado a su historia en términos sociológicos y antropológicos. Unos excelentes lugares para empezar a entender los orígenes de los juegos que involucran bolas/balones/pelotas se encuentran en las ruinas mayas de Copán (occidente de Honduras) y Tikal (noreste de Guatemala). Estas antiguas y poderosas ciudades, ocupadas desde hace 2400 años (Tikal) y entre el siglo V y el IX de la era común (Copán) cuyo esplendor es expresado en sus poderosos edificios administrativos, templos, pirámides y ciudadelas laberínticas de magnífica preservación arquitectónica y perfección geométrica, demuestran una única combinación entre juego y ritual, donde el fútbol, más allá de la diversión, tenía como propósito el reconocimiento de los habitantes de lo mundano, la conexión con lo sublime y lo sagrado. Pero ¿Ha cambiado el verdadero objetivo del fútbol? ¿Acaso los equipos no se enfrentan para alcanzar fama y reconocimiento? En este sentido, el fútbol no ha cambiado mucho desde hace 3400 años, cuando se solía jugar en imponentes estadios con gradas de piedras y campos observables desde todos los rincones de la ciudad. Al menos 1300 estadios han sido identificados en Mesoamérica, desde Nicaragua hasta el Norte de México.

Campo del juego de la pelota en las ruinas de Copán (Honduras)

Durante el juego, dos equipos de atletas seleccionados por la nobleza se enfrentaban en un campo abierto, alargado y ancho. Las reglas y los premios tuvieron suficiente tiempo de evolucionar en más de tres milenios de historia, por lo que cualquier intento de encasillar el juego de pelota mesoamericano entre una categoría, se vuelve especulación. La interpretación de las estelas mayas -columnas de roca talladas que cuentan la historia de los pueblos indígenas precolombinos- sugieren que los equipos ganadores eran sacrificados para lograr establecer una conexión entre su familia en la tierra y sus dioses, así sería más fácil obtener favores y beneficios divinos: riqueza, sabiduría, salud, buenas cosechas, poder, entre otros, eran las peticiones más comunes de los premiados con la muerte. Esta fue la versión que recibimos durante nuestro recorrido por los campos de Tikal. Hay otras versiones que aseguran que los perdedores eran quienes se ofrecerían en sacrificio. Lo que es cierto, es que todo pudo haber ocurrido en una práctica deportivo-ritual que se practicaba extensamente en todo un continente por más de 3000 años.

Representación del ritual del juego de la pelota en Copán durante las ceremonias mayas. 

Actualmente, el fútbol no deja de tener su parte de sangre y sacrificio, especialmente en la cultura latinoamericana, donde los rivales entre el público ofrecen la muerte de uno de sus contrincantes. El sentido de este ritual se perdió, ya nada queda de gloria en la inmolación y nadie recibe favores de los dioses cuando un equipo gana.


Utila, Honduras. 5 de mayo de 2016

viernes, 10 de julio de 2020

Dying to be born again

"Ayahuasca from insomnia", painted by Sofia Nalbadi, 2020
It all started in the Sibundoy Valley, the indigenous people of the Camsá and Inga communities celebrated the Festival of Forgiveness (Klestrinÿe), a tribute to the act of forgiving, of reconciling and leaving behind differences and conflicts in the midst of food, drink, partying and fun. This unique event would end with the reception of the "Betsknate" (Big Day), a day that would start a new cycle in the local calendar. It was February 20 and a series of events and celebrations that would fill the atmosphere of the towns of the Valley - Sibundoy, San Francisco, Santiago and Colón - with a feeling of brotherhood and intoxication began. The smell of fresh typical food was in the streets, especially in the Central Park, in front of the church, where several tents had installed improvised kitchens to supply the diners. Craftsmen from various parts of southern Colombia (Putumayo, Nariño, Cauca) and even from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta exhibited the beauty of their weavings in backpacks, belts, bags, ponchos, dresses; the skill of their hands was imprinted on pieces of jewelry, handles, necklaces, earrings; the creativity of their minds in decorative works, many worthy of a museum. The carved wood sculptures were a highlight, an art that fused the indigenous cosmogony with shamanistic rituals and self-recognition as an ancestral people. An art and craft show decorated the public space.  

Meanwhile, in the house of the Cabildo, the slaughtered body of a pig, the largest ever seen by my eyes, laid in front of skillful cooks, who once again demonstrated that there is no event or crowd, large enough, that cannot be satisfied by the organizational and logistical capacity of the indigenous peoples. The pork was distributed in pots destined for sancochos and tamales while enormous baskets of chicha were emptied into the throats of passers-by as they were produced. Thousands of people were expected that weekend, including visitors of the region, tourists, rural dwellers, indigenous people and settlers.

When we arrived at the Maloca, it was eleven o'clock at night. Sofia and I were located in one of the free spaces around the circumference: it was a warm space, completely built in wood, about fifteen meters in diameter and a concentric corridor of one and a half meters outside. The interior and the exterior corridor were separated by wooden walls on whose walls were drawn handmade paintings: shamans transfigured with animals, jaguars with penetrating glances, plants with striking flowers entwined among bushes and vines, snakes that were being transformed into rivers, macaws with imposing and colorful feathers, static hummingbirds in full flight, waterfalls emerging from the base of a full moon, hallucinatory paintings mimicked among multicolored fractals. In short, the biodiversity of the tropical Andean ecosystems was embedded in landscapes painted in the style of yagé visions. Violets, reds, yellows and greens predominated, but had no physical limits, resembling the logic of Milky Way images, like a transition between colors that you never know where they start or end. The marked geometry that permeates each scene of the works indicated that they had been faithfully captured from the artist's vision in one of his mystical journeys.

In fact, my ritual had begun months before in Germany, when I had decided that I wanted to explore the depths of my subconscious and unconscious, something I had read about the medicinal and sensory properties of ayahuasca. Also, the stories of a few friends who had experimented with the plant had ignited my curiosity. Their stories would be far from what the journey would show me that night. For months I fantasized about the hundreds of possible scenarios in which I could take the medicine, the different sensations I could have and the visions I could create, all the images were extracted from words and texts, from the abstraction of what my mind imagined the cosmic journey would produce.

If you want to have an experience with yagé, there is no better place than Putumayo, that region of southwestern Colombia where the knowledge of the Amazon region and the Andes mountains converge. For that reason, when in September 2019, Sofia and I began planning our trip of environmental and cultural exploration through the north of South America, the town of Sibundoy began to take shape on the route that would take us from Bogotá to southern Bolivia.

At the beginning of February, I had established virtual contact with Ciro, he would be the one who would lead the ceremony. Through the w app chat he seemed a severe character of few words. When we met personally in Sibundoy he made me feel a trust between us. Ciro is dark-skin (not afrocolombian), with undeniable Camsá features, fresh and parsimonious appearance, calm when talking and moving, lover of laughter and joy. I would never have thought at that moment about the mystical-spiritual power that this man's words, intonations and songs would exert on my hallucinations. Two weeks before I arrived in Sibundoy I started a diet that tended to be vegetarian. I wasn't as strict as I could have been, although it was quite a sacrifice. Milk and meat stopped being part of my diet as I traveled through Risaralda and the Valle del Cauca on my way to Putumayo. I considered it a pity to stop eating the animal delicacies that Paisa and Valluna gastronomy offered on their way.

On the night of the ceremony, I was the only assistant who would take the ayahuasca for the first time, I found myself expectant: without fear, though with anxiety. With me in the maloca, there were about ten more people, Sofia would be at the ritual, even though she had decided beforehand that she would not take the medicine, but would of course accompany me, as we had promised each other before we left Germany. Around eleven forty the other attendees and I sat around the fire that burned in the middle of the Maloca. Sofia lied on her mattress, in a sleeping position, ready to abstract herself from the surroundings. Ciro's brother, was quietly stoking the fire. His role would be essential in the hours to come, he was a guardian of the visions, a watcher over the evil spirits. With one hand he would hold a pot containing palo santo extract and with the other a few dry branches with which the wind would blow to incinerate the dry sap of the ancestral tree. Intense amounts of smoke came out of this pot and built up a gloomy atmosphere for the spirits of other times and other spaces to visit, talk, and stay with us.

The shaman (taita), standing at one end of the maloca, played his harmonica and shook some dry leaves as a percussion. With a delirious beat, I conceived a surreal atmosphere that invited trance and at the same time led me to other dimensions of the mind. The taita was placed in front of a table of about two meters long where there were jars, plants, scapulars, pots, mugs, and, in a plastic bottle, the yagé.

While music filled the gloomy ether, there was no spatial dimension, there was only the maloca-somewhere in what we call the universe. Even the word space itself, was meaningless at the time, the situation only seemed to be real because was seen to be happening and therefore it must have had a place. Time had stopped. I was calm, but I felt alert, expectant, perhaps a little afraid, of encountering unknown beings who were hiding among the sounds, or among the smoke, or who were coming from the dark countryside surrounding the maloca. Some sinister being that I did not know of from the dark side. Uncertainty with anguish.

After half an hour of chants, mantras and prayers: "Sana sana yagesito, yagesito, yagesito... cura, limpia, limpia", the shaman began to call us one by one, there were five or six of us to take. When he mentioned my name, I approached his table and received from him a glass almost full of a thick substance, brown almost black. I sipped it and felt that I was facing something that was overflowing me. “Buen provecho" said the taita. I returned to my stool around the fire.

With difficulty to concentrate, I managed to dialogue with myself for about twenty minutes, trying to trace a purpose for my journey with the yagé. Focusing on being still, calm, and reflective made that time a relentless wait.  Suddenly I felt like throwing up, I knew that it would be one of the effects of the plant, so I let myself go. I went out into the hallway and threw up once, twice, three times, ten times... I didn't stop for several minutes, first the aguapanela with cookies that I had drunk hours before, then water, then air, then nothing, then thoughts, regrets, guilt, remorse, debts, demons, spirits. They were attacks of vomiting, the most intense I had ever had in my life. It was physical vomiting, a body detox, a struggle between the body and the plant to take control of the stomach and liver. But it was late, the powers of the spirits had begun to dominate not only those organs but also my mind, my reality, and my subconscious.

The portal to other worlds would be opened to all, the fire´s master (Ciro´s brother), with his scarce tools, would fabricate smoke of palo santo from his pot for those who between attacks of vomit would painfully expel the weights of the body and the soul; also for those who, falling in a dreamlike precipice, would go infinitely towards the bottom of the desolation. The cloud of smoke offered a link so that, from the depths, the souls returned to this dimension.

The moment I began to vomit, the palo santo smoke wrapped me in its mantle and abstracted me from the first impulse of the plant to drag me into the unknown. When I finished vomiting, I returned to the fire, but I was no longer the same, I saw the world with different eyes, the eyes of the ayahuasca. I sat around the fire and felt suddenly drunk, lost, out of control, like a first-person viewer of a scene of psychedelic terror. The floor became slightly deformed, acquiring a character of fluidity. The colors were not the same, they were more alive and more mobile, changing, liquid and ephemeral like the edges of a pond hit by soft and slow waves that come and go incessantly. I never believed that reality could escape from me so easily, that suddenly, in a matter of minutes, the existence was reduced to an exact moment that I could not even be the protagonist of. That the ideas clinging to the objectivity of science and the precepts that the only valid and existing thing is what can be seen, touched, smelled and perceived with the senses, and furthermore, be physical, tangible and verifiable, were reduced to a pure discourse, of course useless and fallacious at that moment. I felt incapable of understanding and reasoning the world in which I found myself. Thus, I felt that life had deceived me, that it had always biased me by disbelieving in the magical, that it had sold me a wrong idea of the real, but now in this other dimension, in itself also real (because if you live, of course it exists in some dimension), I was blind and adrift.

From that moment the plant took control of my senses, my fears, my secrets, my understanding of time, space and corporeality. The being that lived in me looked around, his eyes found a painting where a jaguar was surrounded by an aura painted with all the colors of the universe, walking in a firmament of eternity, a God that examined the ritual from the cosmos. The jaguar not only looked straight into his eyes, but entered his mind. I felt weak.

"My ancestors tell stories about the tiger, that when you walk the territory you must give a safe and firm step, because when the tiger smells your footprint he knows if there is fear in it"

Eliana Maria Muchachasoy Chindoy

Frightened by the jaguar's insufferable and penetrating gaze, I felt deeply watched. I considered myself tiny, with a dissolved ego. Thus, vulnerable, so overwhelmed that I could not hold my gaze on the painting, I had to flee, my spirit felt prey of that powerful predator. In the cosmogony of the Amazonian peoples, the shaman merges with the jaguar when he enters the cosmic world of ayahuasca. In the words of (ACEG 2010) "The jaguar is the allegory of the figure of the shaman in his thinking, that guardian, healer, medician, guide, who travels between worlds, and, both in the story and in reality, merges into the boundaries between human and animal”.  I was in the territory of the jaguar, and it is during the ritual, at night, that he is most alert. For the Desana, indigenous people of the upper Vaupés basin, "the jaguar is the representative of the Sun; it symbolizes the fertilizing energy of nature; it is the protector of the maloca and the forest; because of its color, it is associated with fire, and because of its roar, with lightning" (Brezzi 2003). The whole environment around me was the ideal habitat for the jaguar.

I walked to the mattress I had on the ground, Sofia was lying on a couple of blankets, covered with a blanket up to her head, in a great effort to ignore what was happening around her, that magical and at the same time terrifying atmosphere of delirious music, people vomiting and struggling to survive hallucinations of all kinds. She didn't know what was coming. I approached my place and looked at my blankets, with each step I took, the yagé took more control. I thought that being at rest and lying down I could get around this ghostly state. As I layed down on the mattress I felt my body flowing like a waterfall of water falling uncontrollably to the floor. The objects came to life, they seemed to have an existence of their own, the alterations in perception were not only visual, but tactile and auditory. The texture of the blankets resembled that of a pond, elusive. I was trying to cover myself with a slippery stream of cloth. I sank in the ground, almost flowing through the cracks of the wood, of the folds of the blankets. The sense of touch was completely removed from reality, the vision combined with my palpation to give me the impression that the physical limits of my body were displaced a few millimeters outside of me.

Within this watery world I felt as if I were drowning, it had only been a few minutes after I had gone to bed and I already felt that I had no air to continue breathing, that I had lost the battle for survival. My lungs expressed their helplessness to take in oxygen through screams, since the air became water and that was what I was breathing. -Ahhhh... Aaaahhhh, ujj, ujj, hmmmm hhhmmmmmmm... -the water was beginning to invade my air and my head and my moans were expressing the denial of entering the world of visions. My body was writhing back and forth in agitation from the complicated breathing.

I was watching a double distorted image of my body as if it were a screen out of focus, seeing and being at the same time. The materiality of the body didn't exist, there was an additional dimension in space. My existence ceased to be what it had been for 29 years, to be and to be in other worlds and my subconscious was the main accomplice. But how could I know that this was the subconscious and not the conscious if the subconscious never emerges consciously? And I felt totally conscious. It was right between this syllogism where the real and the fantastic dissolved, where the plant showed me that it was fluid, abstract, ephemeral, relative, fleeting, like smoke. I don't know how long I laid there, feeling like water, in the midst of pintas (visions) that were consolidated as the most irrefutable objectivity. Struggling not to fall into despair, I refused to see what I actually saw and to experience what I undoubtedly felt. I felt that everything was insignificant and trivial, that I was caught in the middle of a nightmare of colors, strange beings, vomiting, terror and loss of control over myself and my situation.

Yagé's Dream

"Taita yagecito cleanses body, spirit and heart,
Grandpa sings, sings your prayer,
Granddaddy paints, paints healing.

Eliana Maria Muchachasoy Chindoy

The desire to escape led me outside, into the corridor, the vomit reappeared again, more severe than before, there was nothing to expel, perhaps only my last defences against the plant. Perhaps sin and demons. As I threw up noise from my mouth I felt a presence behind me, in those short seconds of rest between gagging and gagging I looked back and amid colorful visions and blurred shadows I saw someone… Was there really? On the grass where I released my bitter fluids, I saw lizards moving in the middle of a pond of varicolored hexagons. The fear of darkness and the imperceptible presence brought me back to my mattress, what was to come would be an episode I describe as: the bottom of hell, between abandonment and desolation.

The repetitive notes of the harmonica and the ancestral songs performed by the shaman moved through the ether of palo santo smoke.

Abandonment and death

In my bed again, among the blankets, lost in the folds of a shawl, drowned in my water world I managed to see in a fleeting appearance, the jaguar that was chasing me. He was criticizing my weakness, I was not stepping firmly and he knew it, I was showing it too, I buried myself in the despair of my sheets with the aim of escaping his glance. I felt abandoned and terrified, forgotten by everyone in the depths of my despair, drowned by my own fears. I tore my throat screaming for help - Ahhhh... Ahhhh... Help! - For several minutes, incessantly my voice grew louder and louder. As I squirmed in my place, multitude of visions one after another appeared as real as vivid dreams in front of me. Dreams that only let me rest when the bursts of palo santo drowned me for seconds. When I opened my eyes and saw the maloca in a state of unwavering passivity, that was no consolation at all. The screams came back - Aaahhh... Ahhhhhhhhh, God, God, God! -God? -Where did this call come from? If many years ago I had decided to dismiss it from my rationality. It was not in vain that Hofmann and Schultes wrote that it seemed that the idea of divinity could have appeared in humanity thanks to the use of hallucinogenic plants in the most primitive stages of the evolution of the species, since these plants allowed humans to communicate with spirits or deities. This communication through intense depersonalization brought healing or at least answers to the most convoluted concerns, as granted by a wiser and unreachable being. 

But even the power of the deities could not redeem this human remains, since they were who spoke through delusions on the other side of existence. - It helps... Taita, taita, ahhh, ahhhhh. Ciro! Ciro!... Help me please - I exclaimed with different intensity, sometimes begging, sometimes demanding. The ego was dissolved, any sign of arrogance had been undone. - Help me... Please... ahhh ahhh. Mom, mom, mom-.

They were cries that I had never expressed because my spirit had never (or consciousness) been at such a level of desolation and despair. My mind was in agony from the depths of the abyss. - Dad! dad... Sofia, baby... love! love! love - I heard myself saying between vibrant words while with my eyes wide open I watched the roof of the maloca and the shaman playing his harmonica while my body distorted forward trying to find a comfortable position, as if that would end the delirium. -Sofia... Love... Help me!... - I repeated in the hope that my most faithful companion and confidant would rescue me -Sofia, I love you... love, love, love, aaaahh - I begged her even though I knew I was asking her to get involved in something I had asked her to keep out. But there was nothing she or anyone else could do. -Taita, taita, help, help," I cried as my body melted like butter in the fire of that mysterious passage from living being to object. There I understood what Jesus might have felt when he asked his father "why did he leave him? Hours later, when I reflected and remembered with Sofia what had happened that night, She would confess that she was facing one of the most distressing anxieties. That while she listened to me in the midst of the terror asking for help, she went out into the corridor of the maloca to avoid seeing and hearing my "suffering", that she had smoked all the cigarettes she had left and that she had asked the taita to help me out of the world of dreams. He replied that neither he nor she, nor anyone else could do anything, that it was a fight I had to give and from which I had to get out on my own. 

The screams ripped through the dense air of the ritual, flooded with palo santo smoke and the dim light of the candles afire throughout the maloca. - Mama... ma... dad... Ivan... Help, I have a lot, I have a lot... I have a lot... -. Sofia would tell me hours later that I never finished the sentence... In my visions I knew what I had: a mixture of cold and fear. I thought about it, but I couldn't say it, every time I understood what I had and what I wanted to say, the words vanished after a few seconds (or minutes) of hallucinating around that lack... Everyone in the maloca heard it and I remember thinking at that moment, "I am very, very afraid”. I was afraid of getting stuck in that world with myself. I also felt very cold.

My visions were appearing and disappearing at a speed that did not allow me to understand or analyze them. I invoked the Taita Marcelino, the highest authority in the family's lineage of shamans, who had initiated the tradition of yagé in the house, the most powerful of the Taitas. But no one came to my aid. The battle had to be fought alone. It seemed infinite.

A jungle world fell on my pintas for eons... -ggggguuuuhhhhggg uhhhhggg...- the howler monkey that I had seen in the Tayrona National Park and in the forests of the Andean mountains in Risaralda, entered my mind and my throat, he expressed himself through my guttural sounds. I still remember them. Then the spectacled bear walked for a few moments in front of me. He seemed to be calm and peaceful, as if he had no desire or destiny. The jaguar once more -gggrrrrrrr grrrrr, Ahhh... ahhh - the cries of despair did not stop either. The horse - bbrrrrr bbrrrr -.  The animals were blended with the suffering of having lost their identity forever, of having been possessed by different animals for the rest of the history of the natural world. "Plants, animals, and humans merge and exchange identities with the being in rapid flashes of transformation, and the shock of that encounter permeates all things [...] It is in this realm of visions that the enormous human ego dissolves in the face of essential truths and interconnections." (Stone 2012, 1). The dog – barf, barf, barf-.

The Camsá Indians call it pintas, because it comes in colors, as in paintings. The pintas showed me a group of indigenous, a woman and several men. They were on a mountain and were gathered around a large pot where they cooked medicinal plants. That was several decades ago, when they began to populate this high part of the Putumayo River Basin. They were learning how to prepare yagé, how to cook it, they were making mistakes, but they were learning.

The hallucinations jumped from one situation to another, stubbornly showing me something mysterious. I begged for the help of my other friend, with the desire to exhaust every last resource, - Jessica, help, help… -. At some point, Jessica came, I remember her well, she told me "relax, everything will be fine, remember that it is temporary", and she left. Her image appeared as a salvation, a bond that returned me to the world of the living, ephemeral. Her words encouraged me a lot, but my world of visions showed another reality. Seconds later, I would feel myself falling again. The tanatos' impulses returned in the form of vomit, heavy and continuous, another battle against death, the guardian with his pot of smoke tried to relieve me several times. I managed to sit down and look around, I suppose it was about three o'clock in the morning. Between words that cost me to articulate I asked for a bucket to be able to vomit from my mattress, I did not want to go out again to face the darkness. The music of the taita did not stop, the harmonica repeated its same hypnotic and pleasant, although hallucinating three chords. I looked at Sofia, she was lying on her half-side with her back to me. I worried about her, I felt compassion and affliction for her. Are you okay, baby? She didn't answer. Maybe I just thought about it, and didn't say it.

The vomit was coming back. - Uhhhhaaarrr, Uhhhhaaaagggggrrrr, Ahhhh! Ahhh, Ttpppp - I was expelling bitter saliva, the bile. After about twenty more minutes, the intensity diminished between every time softer and blurred visions. I made a few jokes in my head, I don't know which ones, but I smiled. I yawned for a long time and felt very comfortable, warm, in a quiet atmosphere, I looked around and everything was silent, the light was dim, many candles had been extinguished. The last firewoods of the fire were still burning. Next to the fire were Ciro and Jessica, they were talking quietly, an atmosphere of friendship was perceived. The instrumental music of Andean ceremonies was playing on a cell phone, it had only stopped while the shaman played his harmonica. Until that moment, I could feel it. I returned to myself... suddenly the visions ended and a feeling of lightness and fullness invaded me. An illumination, the nirvana. Clear ideas, lucubrations, understanding of what had happened. Tranquility and peace, as if I had understood the purpose of that whole journey. Tired, yes, but satisfied. For about fifteen minutes I remained as an observer of the visions or dreams of that distant past. Here again, in the calm, like someone who looks back and sees the destruction of the hurricane that passed, but appreciates having lived in spite of the devastation.

A journey to hell and to the gates of death. But a triumphant return, with more wisdom. The yagé is the plant that opens the door to the secrets of the spiritual world, to the subconscious, the entrance to nature and to ourselves, which in the end is the same thing.

I got up... I went to the fire, it was maybe 3:50 in the morning. I sat down on a stool to warm up. The taita came and sat near me, he looked immaterial and sublime, illuminated by the shadows of the subtle flames. - How was it? You passed the test - he said and continued - ...all people see different revelations, it depends on many things -. He told me the method to prepare the ayahuasca and how it had guided them (him and his family) through the decisions of the family. - Yagé is the plant of understanding and wisdom, it speaks, but first it cleans. Next time you will see other things, do you want to drink again? -.

Six hours later, the taita was performing a purging and healing ceremony where he impregnated me with oils and plant essences while with a syncretic tongue between Spanish and Camsá asked the spirits for my physical and spiritual healing. The healing and cleansing process was just beginning.

Six months later ... looking back 

Thoughts collected and narrated from a “I” and a “we”, after dialogue with other people who also took ayahuasca

 We understand the beauty of being alive when we  face the death.

The yagé ceremony is an one-off event and can last a few hours. However, it is the starting point of a more extensive process, where the understanding of what we are capable of doing and the reflection on our limitless mental and spiritual capacities make their way through the days. From the very moment of the experience of dialogue with ayahuasca and through the days, weeks and months after that memorable journey to the roots of Mother Earth, a new way of discerning the depths of our being-thinking-feeling of the one we weren't aware of before appears.

 Only now, six months after that unforgettable February 20, the lessons that ayahuasca has left me begin to take shape. Only in hindsight does my story make sense. Although during the visions of the yagé, there could be episodes of terror, anguish and desolation, even of regret for having undertaken that spiritual search, I must emphasize the strength and determination that the plant has given to my character and my personality, which seen from the present, they make the healing and curing process that I had to go through valuable. Altogether, the problems or challenges of daily life are no longer as heavy as they used to be, instead, now I can cope with them more easily. I have also learned to be less critical of myself when it comes to triviality, since finally, ¿what is ultimately so important in the end in a time-limited existence? In short, I feel that I have an extra knowledge and an ability to connect the objective with the imaginative, which I would not have been able to acquire otherwise, a quality that allows me to advance in the search for a fuller and happier life. And in this sense, recent scientific studies on the effects of psychedelic substances on the structure of the brain and our thoughts have indicated that after their use, "brain activity becomes more complex, rich and diverse, which in short it can be understood as an increase in the dynamics and richness of ideas and imagination” (see chapter at the end of this entry “The Psychedelic Experience”).

 It is fair to note that my experience is only mine, and that there are people who react completely differently to the plant, with visions and trips in space-time of clear lucidity, or dialogues with known or unknown beings, but with a high charge. of wisdom, or, on the other hand, revelations and illuminating truths. Also, there are those who return to their daily routine and continue to be the same as before.

 The meaning of the yagé ceremony and its subsequent effects on the personality can be analyzed from two perspectives: its social significance and its personal significance.

 There are traditional and ancestral practices that mark the passage from adolescence to adulthood in different cultures. The Bukusu in Kenya undergo a public circumcision where friends and family are invited to watch the parade of the naked teenager while the ceremony takes place. The Sateré-Mawé people of northwestern Brazil enter maturity after a long ritual where they endure bullet ants stings for several sessions over a period of months. On the other hand, Inuit or Eskimo children of northern Canada go out at the age of 11 or 12 to hunt with their parents to begin to get used to the harshness of the Arctic climate and to acquire the dexterity that the role of man assigns them in their community, this practice requires at the same time that the shaman of the tribe prays in order to open communication between men and animals to connect nature with hunters. Meanwhile, the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania sleep one night in the open forest before a feast of songs, dances and food that includes the consumption of cow blood. On the other hand, the people that inhabit the islandof Pentecost in Vanuatu, Oceania, celebrate the passage to adulthood and reaffirm masculinity through a ceremony where men have to build a wooden tower between 20 and 30 meters from which they jump with lianas tied to their feet (similar to Bunge jumping, but without elastic ropes). Finally, the Algonquins, North American natives that extend from northern Mexico to Canada, go alone for several days to hunt a deer in the forest as a way to prove that they will be able to provide food for their community. Another ritual of early adulthood practiced by this town is the consumption of a hallucinogenic drink called wysoccan, which causes amnesia that can make them forget their family and friends, their entire childhood stage, and even how to speak.

 What is common between these rituals of stage change or advancement to adulthood is the fact of having to go through harsh physical and mental tests, sometimes an approximation to death, other times a stage of physical suffering or emotional stress never experienced before. The victorious return after these tests implies a rebirth, a stage closure and a beginning of another that requires greater knowledge and skills. According to professor César Iván Bondar (Doctor in Social and Cultural Anthropology from CONICET in Argentina), the experiences during the “passing rituals” should be analyzed from the perspective of the context and not of the observer's culture, since the significance of pain or suffering for some, it can represent pleasure or enjoyment for others. This raises the reflection of the mystique of yagé and its significance in front of our eyes. Are vomiting and screaming suffering? Or can we rather understand them as a period of healing and exorcism? The last interpretation takes on relevant validity if we consider that this is precisely the role of plants and the role of the shaman in Amazonian indigenous medicine.

 The passage to adulthood is a common practice that has faded between the evolution of the current easy and trivial world and that is now expressed in ceremonies as simple as the "quince años" for teenage girls in Latin America, equivalent to the "sweet 16th" in North America or even to a simple drinking party for adolescents when they turn 18. Given this fact, several questions arise: Are people today prepared to be adults? How are they different from a child? age, appearance and a document? And where does the mental and spiritual maturity lie?

 In my particular case, the mystical journey of ayahuasca has been filling me with vitality from then until today. The memories of that night come back to me frequently, no longer fearless, no longer the weight of anguish, but rather with the consistency of a lifelong learning experience. Ayahuasca has opened to me the channels of understanding for many dimensions in the intellectual, the personal, the emotional and the spiritual aspects, of course, it is a process of permanent assimilation, but every time I have to analyze complex situations in my daily life, or take decisions about what to do and what not to do, I feel that, deep down, the plant guides me, showing me a light to differentiate the trivial from the important.

 Sometimes when I have to face daunting challenges, I think back to that moment where I felt lost in the midst of ghostly visions that seemed eternal. Then, these challenges (on the material and mental plane) become so insignificant that they are faced with the calm, fluency and patience that allow me to advance until I overcome them. To the question of whether, could I hold on to another moment in my life in which I have overcome an overwhelming situation to gain strength in the current difficult moments? Perhaps I would answer categorically that one always tends to take the hardest moment of all as a reference. For this reason, I feel that the visions of yagé and its journey have given me strength in moments of anxiety.

 Rites of passage or the change of stages in life have historically been linked to an event that transforms the mind or body, to a test of endurance and perseverance. Certainly, in our current society it is impossible for us to go hunting in order to test our suitability for the passage to a new stage. However, what is relevant is the importance of carrying out a ritual or practice that prepares us to take on a new phase of our lives. That closing and beginning ritual was for me ayahuasca.

 Additional Reading and sources:

-       Asociación de Centros de Estudios Gnósticos, Antropológicos, Psicológicos y Culturales (ACEG). 2010. El mito del tigre en las culturas indoamericanas. Bogotá: ACEG.
-       Brezzi, Andrea. 2003. Tulato: ventana a la prehistoria de América. Bogotá: Villegas Editores.
-       Schultes, R. E. & Hofmann, A., (1982) Plats of the Gods, Origins of hallucinogenic use.
-       Stone, Rebecca. 2012. The Jaguar Within: Shamanic Trance in Ancient Central and South American Art. Houston: University of Texas Press.

To expand the topic:

-        Qué busca la gente que toma ayahuasca o yagé:

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